I’ve prepared a Photon micro image as a VSphere Template. I use this to get a tiny Linux host for hosting Docker.

Change the default root password
Default password for root is “changeme” and must be changes when logging in the first time.

Clearing the Machine ID of a Cloned Instance for DHCP
Photon OS uses the contents of /etc/machine-id to determine the DHCP unique identifier (duid) that is used for DHCP requests. If you use a Photon OS instance as the base system for cloning to create additional Photon OS instances, you should clear the machine-id with this command:
echo -n > /etc/machine-id |
With the value cleared, systemd regenerates the machine-id and, as a result, all DHCP requests will contain a unique duid.

Update the package manager
tdnf update |

Install nano
tdnf install nano

Change from DHCP to static address
mv /etc/systemd/network/99-dhcp-eth0.network /etc/systemd/network/99-static-en.network |
or reboot

Check and set hostname
hostnamectl status |

Upgrade Docker
tdnf upgrade docker -y |

Start Docker and enable it to start att boot time
systemctl start docker |
reboot the system
reboot |