Tag: esxi


Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Focal (Arm64) on ESXi-Arm

A short HOWTO creating an Ubuntu VM running on ESXi-Arm. Downloadhttps://ubuntu.com/download/server/arm Quickly select the “Install” option in the GRUB boot screen, or you will be very sorry later on


Flakey USB Z-Stick Support on RPi

Talk about flakey behaviour! Luckily I’m not the first but probably not the last to figure out that some USB sticks just doesn’t play nice with some Raspberrys.My Aeotec Z-Stick Gen 5 wasn’t recognize


Install Lets Encrypt acme.sh on vCenter 7

Straight from the official webpage: https://github.com/acmesh-official/acme.sh If you are brave, you can automate Let’s Encrypt management for VCenter. The installer will perform 3 actions: Create an


Add Let's Encrypt Certificate to vCenter 7

I’ve updated with an automated process as described in Install Lets Encrypt acme.sh on vCenter 7 It seems the new vCenter 7 is rather picky. What worked on the 6.7 results in the dreaded error “Error


Force Removal of Folders on VSAN

When folder deletion fails in the UI, you can fall back to the CLI and force deletion. SSH into your ESXi instance and use the osfs-rmdir utility. This type of error can also occur due to connectivity


Increase Photon System Disk

I use the minimal Photon distribution and it seems the system disk is only around 8GB. That fills up quickly when installing some humongous Docker containers :/ List usagedf -h Check available spa


Mount ESXi Datastore Snapshot/replica via CLI

Often used during DR situations ;) List available volumesesxcfg-volume -l Persistently mount using labelUsing the capital ‘M’ switch will make the mount survive reboots. esxcfg-volume -M dsHuml


Upgrade ESXi to 6.5 Using Offline Bundle

The prerequisities are having SSH enabled, copy the Offline Bundles to a datastore and enter Maintenance mode. Although the last one is optional. Download HP Custom ESXi 6.5 installsI’m using the HP