Tag: vmware


Install Lets Encrypt acme.sh on vCenter 7

Straight from the official webpage: https://github.com/acmesh-official/acme.sh If you are brave, you can automate Let’s Encrypt management for VCenter. The installer will perform 3 actions: Create an


Add Let's Encrypt Certificate to vCenter 7

I’ve updated with an automated process as described in Install Lets Encrypt acme.sh on vCenter 7 It seems the new vCenter 7 is rather picky. What worked on the 6.7 results in the dreaded error “Error


Resize Photon Root Disk

I use the Photon minimal distribution quite extensively. It does come with a tiny disk size of 8GB. This is a writeup of the detailed instructions of this original post: https://communities.vmware.com


Force Removal of Folders on VSAN

When folder deletion fails in the UI, you can fall back to the CLI and force deletion. SSH into your ESXi instance and use the osfs-rmdir utility. This type of error can also occur due to connectivity


Deploying New Photon VM From Template and Docker Up

I’ve prepared a Photon micro image as a VSphere Template. I use this to get a tiny Linux host for hosting Docker. Change the default root passwordDefault password for root is “changeme” and must be


Increase Photon System Disk

I use the minimal Photon distribution and it seems the system disk is only around 8GB. That fills up quickly when installing some humongous Docker containers :/ List usagedf -h Check available spa


Mount ESXi Datastore Snapshot/replica via CLI

Often used during DR situations ;) List available volumesesxcfg-volume -l Persistently mount using labelUsing the capital ‘M’ switch will make the mount survive reboots. esxcfg-volume -M dsHuml


Upgrade ESXi to 6.5 Using Offline Bundle

The prerequisities are having SSH enabled, copy the Offline Bundles to a datastore and enter Maintenance mode. Although the last one is optional. Download HP Custom ESXi 6.5 installsI’m using the HP


Passthrough USB Keyboard and Mouse to VM on ESXi

My kids are still pretty young-ish so we make do with a mix of laptops and ipads. I do have a couple Windows VMs that are setup as gaming machines with dedicated GPUs via hardware passthrough. The iss


Backup ESXi Configuration

ESXi is doing backups on its own every hour into either /bootbank/state.tgz or /altbootbank/state.tgz (whichever partition is currently used). This file state.tgz is what is actually inside the conf


ESXi Web SPA Client Install/upgrade

The “ESXi Embedded Host Client” is an HTML5 Angular SPA application. It is installed locally on the ESXi host and is lightweight and fast. It is still in “Fling” status on VMWare Labs but is stable,