Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Focal (Arm64) on ESXi-Arm
A short HOWTO creating an Ubuntu VM running on ESXi-Arm. Downloadhttps://ubuntu.com/download/server/arm Quickly select the “Install” option in the GRUB boot screen, or you will be very sorry later on
A short HOWTO creating an Ubuntu VM running on ESXi-Arm. Downloadhttps://ubuntu.com/download/server/arm Quickly select the “Install” option in the GRUB boot screen, or you will be very sorry later on
Installing Docker First add the required dependencies and the security key: sudo apt-get -y install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl software-properties-common Add Docker’s official GPG key:
Method 1: Disable cloud-init from file This is the safest and the easiest method.We only need to create cloud-init.disabled file in /etc/cloud directory and reboot the system. To create empty file,
https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/additional-recommended-steps-for-new-ubuntu-14-04-servers Create new user on Ubuntu 14.04 Adding user to sudo group Configuring a Basic FirewallDis