Archive: 2017/2


Setting Up a Web Proxy Using Squid and Docker

My company has enforced an HTTP proxy requirement on my work computer. That effectively makes the computer unusable for web related work unless I hook it up to the corporate network using a VPN connec


Deploying New Photon VM From Template and Docker Up

I’ve prepared a Photon micro image as a VSphere Template. I use this to get a tiny Linux host for hosting Docker. Change the default root passwordDefault password for root is “changeme” and must be


Increase Photon System Disk

I use the minimal Photon distribution and it seems the system disk is only around 8GB. That fills up quickly when installing some humongous Docker containers :/ List usagedf -h Check available spa


Install Docker-Compose on Photon

It seems docker-compose is not available as pre-packaged on Photon Download and installAs per docker-compose instructions: curl -L


Open VSCode From Command Line

Open Visual Code and press Command + Shift + P then type “Shell” in command palette now you are able to find this option like Shell Command : Install code in PATH from suggested list in command pale


Stop and Remove All Docker Containers

Sometimes it’s easier just to give up and start over ;) Stop and remove all containers docker stop $(docker ps -a -q)docker rm $(docker ps -a -q) Remove all images docker rmi $(docker images -q)