Install Nvm as a Oh-My-Zsh Plugin Install nvm custom oh-my-zsh plugingit clone []( ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/zsh-nvm Install nvm custom oh-my-zsh plugingit clone []( ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/zsh-nvm
What can I say, I’m such a sucker for eye candy I couldn’t resist installing the ZSH shell and the Agnoster theme. Install ZSHI use Hom
This is a writeup of the UBNT article for setting up client access to the VPN L2TP server on the USG using the new Radius capability: The new wiza
I use the Photon minimal distribution quite extensively. It does come with a tiny disk size of 8GB. This is a writeup of the detailed instructions of this original post:
So you’ve been secretly oogling the shiny USG device and the been frustrated with the Controller software and blank graphics like me? I can verify that the migration process is quite straight forward,
Create an S3 bucket NamingNaming is very important. Partly because it will form the direct public url but also if you use some external CDN
I’m probably one of the last to setup a pi-hole and still not convinced it’s such a good idea. Will evaluate for a few weeks and then decide on what to do. The pi-hole is setup as the primary DNS serv
When folder deletion fails in the UI, you can fall back to the CLI and force deletion. SSH into your ESXi instance and use the osfs-rmdir utility. This type of error can also occur due to connectivity
BookStackDocumenting is quite a chore and since leaving Evernote, I’ve been searching for a good tool to help me structure my stuff. I did turn to blogging just keep the information handy but I can on
Since Chrome has begun to warn against sites not using HTTPS, including self-signed which are prominent in DIY solutions, I’ve turned to use my NAS box to perform reverse proxy functions and to host m
I’ve used Let’s Encrypt certificates to properly secure my internal services. Previously my setup was a Windows IIS running automatic renewal and sharing all certificate files on a NAS share. This wor
Further details for configuring rsyslog can be found here: Configure rsysl
My company has enforced an HTTP proxy requirement on my work computer. That effectively makes the computer unusable for web related work unless I hook it up to the corporate network using a VPN connec
I’ve prepared a Photon micro image as a VSphere Template. I use this to get a tiny Linux host for hosting Docker. Change the default root passwordDefault password for root is “changeme” and must be
I use the minimal Photon distribution and it seems the system disk is only around 8GB. That fills up quickly when installing some humongous Docker containers :/ List usagedf -h Check available spa
It seems docker-compose is not available as pre-packaged on Photon Download and installAs per docker-compose instructions: curl -L
Open Visual Code and press Command + Shift + P then type “Shell” in command palette now you are able to find this option like Shell Command : Install code in PATH from suggested list in command pale
Sometimes it’s easier just to give up and start over ;) Stop and remove all containers docker stop $(docker ps -a -q)docker rm $(docker ps -a -q) Remove all images docker rmi $(docker images -q)
Aerial is a Mac screen saver based on the new Apple TV screen saver that displays the aerial movies Apple shot over New York, San Francisco, Hawaii, China, etc. Aerial is completely open source, so fe
I’ve tried many different types of shared storage in my HomeLab, however I’ve never really found the “one”. The vSAN feature of vSphere has been high on the list for a long time and when I finally upg