Archive: 2016


Deploy Hexo Blog on Azure Web App

This is a short walkthrough of setting up this Hexo blog instance as an Azure Web App. I do want to use my custom domain so I need to select the Standard plan, which does cost money. The Free instance


Hello Hexo, Later Wordpress!

Welcome to Hexo! This is your very first post. Check documentation for more info. If you get any problems when using Hexo, you can find the answer in troubleshooting or you can ask me on GitHub.


Backup ESXi Configuration

ESXi is doing backups on its own every hour into either /bootbank/state.tgz or /altbootbank/state.tgz (whichever partition is currently used). This file state.tgz is what is actually inside the conf


ESXi Web SPA Client Install/upgrade

The “ESXi Embedded Host Client” is an HTML5 Angular SPA application. It is installed locally on the ESXi host and is lightweight and fast. It is still in “Fling” status on VMWare Labs but is stable,